➡️ President: Joachim Neuböck
Joachim comes originally from Austria and was working for one year for an European Youth NGO in Brussels. Now he studies International Economics and Business Economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.
“I joined JEF because I am convinced that in order to tackle the big global problems, like climate change, we need to become more united as Europeans.”

➡️ Vice – President: Jenny Biller
Jenny is from Germany and moved to Maastricht a bit over a year ago to do a Master’s in European Studies. As Maastricht is located right on the border with Germany and Belgium, she is our representative for the southernmost part of the Netherlands.
“I am a JEFer because in our highly polarised and politicised world, we need non-partisan platforms where everyone can share and exchange their ideas about Europe. This is especially crucial in view of the upcoming European elections.”

➡️ Secretary General: Archer Buissink
Archer is Dutch/English, is doing a PhD in Regulatory Governance in Utrecht and lives across the border in Düsseldorf, Germany. He is passionate, for personal as well as professional reasons, about European mobility and policies to enable this across the Union.
“I am active within JEF because Europeans deserve to live in one Union, and a lot of our problems can only be solved by acting together to support each other. This should be done in a democratic and social manner, which to me is what European federalism represents.”

➡️ Treasurer: Anna van de Moosdijk
Anna is French and Dutch, she joined the young European federalists back in Lille, France in 2019. While studying at Maastricht University, she soon contributed to JEF Netherlands’ daily activities. It is her third term in the board of the organisation after serving as International Officer in 2021-2022 and President in 2022-2023. Anna is currently assuming her position remotely as she is based in Brussels. In 2023, she was elected at the Federal Committee of JEF Europe as Co-head of the Task Force Capacity-Building.
“I am a JEFer because I believe that federalism is a way to reach peace on our continent and tackle global challenges such as migration or populism. JEF is a platform of dialogue for young people that care about the future of their society and thrive for principles such as rule of law, human rights and democracy.”

➡️ International Officer: Carl-Philipp Krawczyk
Carl is from Southern Germany and moved to Rotterdam two years ago for studying a Bachelor in Liberal Arts and Sciences at Erasmus University College. In 2023, he was elected to the Dutch Board of JEF Netherlands, being mainly responsible for International Relations of JEF Netherlands.
“I am a JEFer because I think JEF is the only Europe-wide youth organisation that brings people from different areas in Europe together and offers people from various political backgrounds the possibility to share their opinion. This is especially important in a world with increasing political clashes.”